Siyalatas, Libertas, Mammon and Mimzee are the only four ancients you should buy before transcending.Using an idle build is most effective for starting out since you can accumulate gold offline.For more information on gilding, check out my Hero Gilding guide.(If you haven’t transcended yet, don’t bother moving gilds.) Random de-gilding to the Power 5 isn’t necessary, but if you absolutely wish to do this, don’t spend more than 10% of your hero souls moving gilds.After a few ascensions, you should be able to advance through most of the early stages by leveling your heroes up 25 levels at a time.You want the x10 bonus for leveling a hero to 1000. Don’t worry about not being able to buy him. Dread Knight has a terrible cost/dps ratio.You can buy all remaining hero upgrades at this point, too. Level Frostleaf to 150, then go back to the top and level Treebeast, Ivan, Brittany, Seer and Samurai (known as the “Power 5”) in multiples of 25.If you prefer not to use cloud drives, you can simply e-mail the text file to yourself instead. Backup your game save to a cloud backup regularly such as OneDrive or Google Drive! This helps insure you won’t lose your save file in case something happens to your Steam files or website cookies that contain your game data.Later on you won’t have to worry about this, but for now those extra HS will be useful. Every 2000 combined hero levels gives you 1 HS when you ascend. Before you ascend, buy as many hero levels as you can.Every 100th level is guaranteed primal boss.If it’s a primal boss, farm gold until you can beat it. Keep going at least until you fail a boss and can’t defeat it.It is strongly recommended to beat level 130 since it is a guaranteed primal boss. The more hero souls you earn before ascending, the quicker your next ascension will be.Ascension is the primary building block of progression in Clicker Heroes.
Clicker heroes save editor mobile update#

Your first few ascensions will be very slow.Farm gold from the previous level if you fail a boss.

Clicker heroes save editor mobile upgrade#
Don’t level heroes past their last upgrade for now.Go back and purchase “ All hero DPS ” upgrades when you have gold.As you get farther down the list of heroes, you can go to the second upgrade at level 25 before moving to the next hero, and later level 50.Level each hero to the first upgrade at level 10 then move to the next.More info is available in the Hybrid Build guide. After transcending and acquiring enough in-game auto-clickers, using an active or hybrid build will be advantageous. This guide assumes you’ll be starting with an idle build on a fresh save file. This is a simple bullet-point guide of tips to assist you from your first play-through all the way to your first transcension in Clicker Heroes 1.0.